Adam Khoo Review: Investing Ideas, Salesmanship, and Lessons to Learn with Caution


Adam Khoo Review: Investing Ideas, Salesmanship, and Lessons to Learn with Caution

Over the years, I’ve followed Adam Khoo and taken several of his courses, including his options, trading, and investment programs. While there are elements of his work I appreciate, there’s also a side to Adam Khoo that aspiring investors should approach with a healthy dose of caution. Here’s a balanced take on what I’ve observed.

The Good: Practical Investing Ideas and Learning Opportunities

Adam Khoo has built a strong presence on YouTube, and for good reason. His free educational content is well-produced, and his ability to explain concepts like technical analysis, value investing, and options strategies makes him an excellent resource for beginner investors.

One standout feature of his offerings is the Ultimate Investor Playbook (UIP). Unlike many other courses, UIP provides real-time access to information that Adam or his team shares. This dynamic approach allows students to see how certain investment ideas or trades are executed in real-world scenarios. For a learner who thrives on observation, this can be an effective way to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

The Downsides: Salesmanship Over Substance

While Adam Khoo delivers good investing ideas, his primary goal seems to be selling his products rather than genuinely helping investors achieve financial independence. If you carefully examine his platform, everything he does appears to be self-serving. His YouTube channel, while full of free content, often acts as a funnel to attract new customers to his expensive courses.

Courses That Lack Depth

Having personally taken his options, trading, and investment courses, I can say that the content is very basic. Everything he teaches can be found for free online if you’re willing to dig into resources on YouTube or other platforms. For the price he charges, one would expect a far more advanced or unique curriculum—something that delivers value beyond what’s readily available for free.

His Overconfidence and Missed Calls

Another issue is Adam Khoo’s tendency to be overly confident, even arrogant, about certain stocks. For instance, he was bearish on Tesla and often criticized Tesla holders, only for Tesla to hit an all-time high and go even further. There have also been many occasions where he’s been outright wrong, such as his predictions regarding Chinese stocks and Estee Lauder.

While no investor is perfect—even the best in the world make mistakes—Adam's overconfidence sometimes overshadows his ability to acknowledge errors or adapt his approach publicly.

The Sales Gimmicks: Beware of Black Friday Hype

If you’ve followed Adam Khoo long enough, you’ve likely come across his Black Friday events. These are the moments when his salesmanship kicks into high gear, and his “sales soul” comes to the forefront. The messaging becomes highly aggressive, focused on creating urgency to push expensive courses and programs.

My advice? Avoid the hype. Observe the sales techniques for what they are—strategies  tap into your fear of missing out (FOMO) and trigger impulsive decisions. These tactics rely on greed, which is something every investor must learn to control if they want to be successful.

Final Thoughts: Learn, But Proceed with Caution

Adam Khoo’s content is worth watching, especially for beginners looking to understand the basics of investing and trading. His free YouTube videos can teach you a lot if you’re willing to observe, learn, and think critically. However, there’s a flip side to his approach:

Ultimately, I’d recommend following his content with caution. Take the ideas that resonate with you, but do your own research before making any financial decisions. Investing is not about blindly following anyone—it’s about learning, questioning, and making informed choices for yourself.

So, appreciate Adam Khoo for what he offers, but always keep your eyes open to the other side of the coin. As with any financial educator, observe, learn, and exercise caution.

Alberta, Canada